The DAB production site of San Germano has been awarded the “Safety Award 2017”


Safety Award 2017 to the DAB site of San Germano
  • Category: Company

The DAB production site of San Germano has been awarded the Safety Award 2017 for achieving the best EHS results (Environment, Health and Safety) in the DAB Group.

The site enjoys in fact the highest number of participants to the 2017 EHS Survery Let me know, and the lowest number of accidents recorded in 2017, as a confirmation of the consistently proactive approach and participation in all the safety related company activities.

The awarding ceremony took place on the 3rd of May 2018 in San Germano, where Diego Canevarollo, Plant Manager representing the workers, accepted the award in the presence of Sandro Stramare DAB Group CEO and other members of the company Board, like Paolo Menon DAB Group COO, Francesco Sinico  DAB Group R&D Director, Elio Panesi DAB Group EHS Director and Simone Paoli DAB Group EHS Specialist. 

During the safety walk around the site, DAB representatives had the opportunity of visiting the production departments and discuss with workers about safety in the workplace. 

We will now have to wait until December 2018 to know which DAB site will reach the Safety Award 2018 podium.

An annual awareness campaign  DAB4SAFETY: safe workplace. You can make the difference - will accompany us for another 12 months, with the purpose of raising awareness and remembering each and every day the invaluable importance and the duty of everyone of contributing to the creation of a safe workplace.